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一、 空调系统调试(TAB

 空调风系统测试、平衡及调整Air conditioning system TAB

 空调水系统测试、平衡及调整Air conditioning water system TAB

 控制系统调试 Control system TAB

 室内参数测试 Indoor parameter Test


二、系统运行诊断分析与维护,节能管理HVAC system diagnostic analysis and maintenance, energy saving management

三、洁净室综合性能测试与验证Clean room comprehensive performance test and certification

 风管和空调系统漏风量测定 Air duct leakage test

 高效过滤器检漏 HEPA filter leakage test

 空调系统总风量和风口风量(换气次数)测试Total airflow of air conditioning system and tuyere airflow (air changes) test

 洁净室区间压差测试 Room pressure

 洁净度测试  Cleanliness

 气流测试 Airflow patterns

 自净时间(恢复率)测试Cleanliness recovery

 温湿度测试Temperature and Humidity

 洁净室的噪声及照度测试 Noise and Illumination

 静电测试 ESD Test

 振动测试Vibration Test

 微生物测试(沉降菌、浮游菌)Microorganism test(Settlement bacteria, Planktonic bacteria)

四、 制药厂房设备验证Equipment validation of pharmaceutical plant


Constant temperature incubator, tunnel oven, sterilization cabinets, transfer window, cleaning system, cold storage,Refrigerator, etc.

五、层流洁净工作台测试Laminar flow clean bench test


 风速 Velocity


 照度 Illumination

 高效过滤器泄漏HEPA filter leakage


六、生物安全柜测试Biological safety cabinet test

 高效过滤器泄漏HEPA filter leakage





 流入气流Inflow air

 气流 Airflow

 压差 Air pressure

 温升 Temperature rise


七、工艺排气及通风系统Process exhaust and ventilation systems

 风管和空调系统漏风量测定 Air duct leakage test

 排风机风量、风速测定 Total airflow and velocity of exhaust fan

 风机转速及压头测定Fan speed and pressure test

 工艺排风系统风量平衡Air balance of process exhaust system

八、防排烟系统及除尘系统Smoke control system and the dust removal system

九、超纯气体管道Ultra pure gas pipeline

 颗粒测试Particle Test

 露点测试Dew point Test

 微氧测试Oxygen Test

 管道保压及泄漏测试(氦检)Pipeline pressure and leak test (helium detector)

 油份测试Oil Test

十、超纯水系统测试Ultrapure water system testing

 颗粒测试Particle test





 电导率测试Conductivity test

 离子分析测试 Ion analysis test

十一、室内环境检测Indoor environment test





 菌落Bacterial colony

 可吸入颗粒物Inhalable particle

 新风量Fresh air volume



上海科信检测科技有限公司 版权所有传真:400-021-6119转8014 服务热线: 4000216119   邮 箱:kexin@kxtest.com地址:浦东新区历城路70号甲3026室
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